Internet is your own CINEMA HALL? Can also say Your own Theater, Own Channel or Distribution Network? Audition & Casting Media is a blog around the full ecosystem from audition to distribution & release to box Office and mass perception generating new opportunities centered around cinema hall. Traditionally you produce for cinema hall and show the final movie in cinema hall but it is new age of cinema halls alternates are in process of evolution due to Internet and Digital Mediums.
Audition Merchandise Online
Well Ashok Sharma Internet is just asking myself the concept to explore!!! Why am I defining internet as your personal cinema hall? how can the internet act as a cinema hall for your entertainment purpose?
So let me start with watching Casting Calls, Audition News, Movie Projects, Latest Releases, Reviews and ways for making money out of your own glamour i.e. monetization and merchandising. Strange!!! How these things are related with internet a cinema hall concept? Cinema hall also known as theatre or theater is a place where you watch movies by paying certain fee. So you need a medium or channel or platform or whatever you call it to show your creation and get paid in terms of viewing money. So everything internet and entertainment related may be the topic.
The AUDITION & CASTING MEDIA blog serves very important repository for me to later retrieve what I viewed in Online World which otherwise is quite difficult to find out with search again. And this way I am trying to explore audition and costing along with other stuff to explore Internet is your own CINEMA HALL concept too.
Actually it started with a simple search about a movie titled To all the boys I've loved before. I was searching key-phrase “when the casting call of To all the boys I’ve loved before film made”? You can search on your own how frustrating results were shown by Google. so I decided on to let me collect the casting calls, audition news and whatever I encounter for later use and reference for others when Google is flooded with popularity of the film details. So an incidental thought initiated audition casting media blog and the concept Internet is your own CINEMA HALL became the beginning.