Need 1000 Actresses & Models for Internet Casting Database

The Internet Casting A Raipur Company is looking for 1000 Actresses
Need at least 1000 MUAs, Actresses & Models to initiate Internet Casting List for whole world as Ideal & Idol.
What you need to submit? Who is suitable? Who exactly fit the task? Why 1000 Actresses?

  • If you are quite active online.
  • If posted lot of content at various places like social networks, online talent portals and your own site.
  • If you understand the always growing need for Online Profiling
  • If you think for Architectured Internet Existence
  • If you understand the power of Collaboration like TFP, Crowd-sourcing & Crowd-funding etc.
  • If you want to align with Core Internet Culture

What you expect? Is it for all 1000 Actresses?

Read:>>>>The Introductory Remark on Revolutionary Concept:
Internet Entrepreneurship, Internet Event, Internet Publicity, Internet Promotion & Internet Existence deriving from YOU To Establish Celebrity Status Initiating from Online World Influencing Everyone Including Offline Personas.

Now you know The Concept is for 1000 Actresses to easily achieve Special Online Celebrity Status.

New concept must be having tons of question?
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Join Miss I Facebook Group & Discuss The Rank Pageant System

Facebook Group System became the starting base point for initiating Miss I Program
Miss I Rank Contest is $1000 Early Bird Fee Program but Anyone can join the portal & Miss I Facebook Group to get My Free Offers including Miss I World Global Influencer System: An Online Performance Based Pageant system, Glamour Container & Monetization, Online TFP Style Collaboration and Advert with Celebrity!!!

Who is target? Who can be beneficiary? Anyone in art & creative field is for Miss I, who is An Active Soul in Online World and has untapped glamour is the one who can get big gains.

Just imagine you are active social person in Internet having lot of profiles, pics, videos and texts but you don't own your own central repository or your own home. Miss I System is just for you. Some people have website which usually acts as business card or brochure without search based visitors called traffic.

Join Miss I in any format and enjoy the multiple enhancements in many dimensions. Yes you will get benefit in both world online and offline.

What exactly is process? Nothing complicated to adopt Miss I Means Influencer System!!!!
I will conduct interview, examine existing Internet Existence, ask about your current working pattern and suggest strategies for multi-fold benefit with same amount of work, may be a little bit extra like more pictures, demo reels and monologues without any expensive expenses using your own gadgets. You know your smart phone enables you with your own home production house?

So what are you waiting for to join Miss I? Lets we all make An Ecosystem of Online Active Tribe to Greatest Internet Culture on earth.
Click the picture

Portal Development Events Series by Internet Casting to Promote MissInternet™

Online Event on EventBrite Glamour Container & Monetization Portal Development Realtime @MissInternet™
Ashok Sharma Internet @Internet Casting Online Event Dates Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 7:00 AM - Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 10:00 AM (PDT)
Glamour Container & Monetization Portal Development in Realtime @MissInternet™ is basically a prelude to main event.

You get:
  1. A Portal Robust Drupal Website capable of membership.
  2. The Learning Process for Internet & Real Strategies Never Documented in Online World for a week which include your profile analysis in Social Messanger choice.
  3. Real time online promotions before the step 4.
  4. An Event in Raipur to populate the portal with real public content: With a customized incetives mostly including digital promotion and SMM (Social Media Marketing) open call for public participating will be made to attend the venue with own gadgets. Internet Studio setup will also be installed for live broadcast and Portal populating.
  5. Final step SEO Optimization and Quality Content Infusion.
  6. You are free to involve youself and any one you like from offline and online in step 2,3 and 4 except core strategy which will only be communicated to you.
  7. Finally you have a running n live portal for you to use.
  8. Portal domain and hosting is for one year. beyond one year you have to pay only $300 per year to the portal alive including maintenance.
I know you need lot of information before Ticket Purchase so contact through Facebook Profile.
Why, How & What of Glamour Portal Development
 Why Glamour Portal?
 Portal is Glamour Container of fans, followers and momentous hype for example at the time of a movie release or gossip generating event. Around Movie Release time the heat generated is quite complex in nature scattered in various media format and public minds. You only can contain such temporary and very volatile euphoria, glamour & fanship in Your Own Portal. Otherwise it goes away like flood water.
 Portal is Always Growing Publicity Generator keeps working even while you are sleeping or engaged in other work. Just Recall Internet Is Always Working Genie concept to understand better.
 Portal is Perfect Influence System
 Portal is base of eCommerce, Merchandising, Membership Program and Self Revenue Earner. Its Glamour Monetization.
 Portal is Central Repository of Overall Internet Existence scattered around in social networks, other portals and various media.
 How Glamour Portal? This very event is answer to the how.
Internet Casting A Raipur Venture By Ashok Sharma Internet has Announced the first ever Miss I Format which also applies to Mrs Internet™ & Mister Internet™ and it’s variations.
The MI™ is An Online Performance Based Pageant System and can be better understood with related Programs Glamour Container & Monetization™, Online TFP™ A Traditional Style Internet Collaboration and Advert with Celebrity™!!!
Why the fee? Read the rules and reason is obvious:
  1. The real format V0001 essentially requires you to own Membership Enabled Drupal Portal.
  2. Initially you have to reserve your slot.
  3. On pre-specified date you will be informed about the Portal Development Strategies on your own Portal.
  4. You will be allowed fixed amount of time period to grow your portal.
  5. On the specified date portal performance in Online World will be announced, which will decide The Miss I Ranking.
What is Portal? How can I Develop @ Affordable Cost n Effort?
I am writing this post especially for Founding Members but apply to all members too.
You need a portal thing which is central repository of all glamour from various channels.
You do tons of online postings; many are doing for 12+ Years are more. Tell me one thing...You added many members to group...
Do you locally have a group which can contribute posts to your portal? Which posts? Just as they do in social network. Or can you arrange a small gathering charging small contribution to conduct a photoshoot? Can the post the pictures at your portal and wherever they want? If answer is yes but cannot afford the money mentioned in portal prices (already posted). I am open to negotiation to My Beloved Founding Members, Just discuss in inbox.
What if you cannot start with local gathering? Just get a portal and make it popular as you are doing it here.


How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
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What's the refund policy?
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How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Your answer goes here
Have questions about Glamour Container & Monetization Portal Development Realtime @MissInternet™? Contact Ashok Sharma Internet @Internet Casting URL : 

Internet Casting Director in Role of Internet Writer

Ashok Sharma aka INTERNET aka Internet Casting is assuming the Role of Internet Writer
All My Social Connections are welcome to share BIO so that I might write about you as Actress / Actor / Model or whatever creative role you are playing in reel or real life!!!
Internet Writing is the most basic skill which entered the life of Internet Casting Director when started thinking about serious virtual world career.
For past some time I am pursuing people on Hollywood Actress Audition History, Casting Call News, Movie Projects, Latest Releases, Reviews and Owned Websites around Glamour Monetization & Merchandising, Internet Cinematics, Internet Series, Internet Casting, Miss I, Mrs Internet & Mister Internet and it’s variations,Glamour Container & Monetization, Online TFP and Advert with Celebrity™ on Top of Portal Development.

Glamour persons even from Hollywood, who are my social network connections found it hard to grasp. Now Internet Casting Director is assuming role of Internet Writer for rest of Year 2019 to clear the Internet Concepts.

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