seemingly enough Ukrainian production Kristi Films is coming soon with a Halloween Story involving two Vloggers and their fearful (mis) adventures.
I don't know whether they are making it but Facebok page has a teaser posted and Google has a cache but the content is not available at their website
So let us wait for further development in Halloween Story.
The Ukrainian Production by young people is doing good job, I am embedding here Golden Love for you to watch
Golden love from Eto Samoe Production on Vimeo.
It is excellent narrative and amazing movie. I suggest in the wait of Halloween Story every one must watch their whole work posted online.
I don't know whether they are making it but Facebok page has a teaser posted and Google has a cache but the content is not available at their website
"Six friends on the eve of Halloween decide to go to the party outside the city. Their car ... To entertain and short the time, they tell each other horrific stories - they don't know that they will be real heroes of one of these stories . ... Watch trailer."
So let us wait for further development in Halloween Story.
The Ukrainian Production by young people is doing good job, I am embedding here Golden Love for you to watch
Golden love from Eto Samoe Production on Vimeo.
It is excellent narrative and amazing movie. I suggest in the wait of Halloween Story every one must watch their whole work posted online.